

Tending to mysteries through natural apprehensions

Forethoughts filled with fractured findings

Floating in fires inflamed by fears

Projecting possibilities and potentialities

Dwelling in thoughts of uncertainty

Disillusioned by the unexpected

Captive by indecision, anxiety, and burn out

Freedom to fly, but grounded by fortified thoughts 

Stuck considering an unknown future, hindering momentum

Considering weakness

Considering defeat

Considering failure

Considering pain

Considering loss

Considering heartache

Considering fear

Considering lack of ability

Considering things unknown

Hopeless and hurting

Grasping for strength and encouragement to move forward

Left to release

Left to trust

Left to reconsider

Consider grace

Consider growth

Consider strength

Consider breakthrough

Consider provision 

Consider promise

Consider the process

Consider the time it takes

Consider healing 

Consider opportunity

Consider awakening

Consider revival 

Consider abiding 

Consider being still

Consider slowness

Consider Jesus

Gaze lifted toward life, flooded with light

Heart fixed with hope, restored by joy

Mind settled in truth, peace awakened

Hindrances broken

Renewed anticipation of victorious outcomes

Strengthened spirit to keep breathing

To take the next step

Considering. A mind consuming thought process that naturally undertakes our time and intentions. Considering decisions, actions, impacts, experiences, outcomes, words to speak, food to eat, life to live. A forethought to what could be. Proceedings to infinite variables leading to infinite outcomes and impacts. A flood of considerings great and small breaking through the thought barriers practically and consistently.

Giving careful thought to decisions backed with intentionality can be a tiresome wrestle. Knowing which path to take and what action to make can be filled with frightful fits of anxiety masked by indecision. One decision can ripple the rhythms of conscious cravings for comfort, while cratering courage. Sometimes seeking comfort over calling and obedience can compress the courage it takes to move forward and step into unknowns. The unknown can be terrifying and cause us to be frozen with anxiety. It’s much easier to sink into comforts and shrink back from the challenges and efforts it takes to truly live in obedience to what God calls us to. To love, serve, and seek Christ is no small considering. It requires complete abandon and total trust. 

Through the experiences and opportunities God has graciously led me into I have discovered that stepping into the unknown doesn’t mean that the fear, doubts, or anxious thoughts dissipate, but the unknowns have often proved to sink me deeper into the joy, growth, freedom, and peace that God offers with open hands. God isn’t trying to trick us or lead us astray. Anxiety, fear, and confusion don’t come from God. They come through a brokenness rooted in sin and through lies that clout our vision. We weren’t meant to stay stagnant, stuck in anxiety, fear, confusion, and indecision. The hope found in the finished work of Jesus was meant to anchor us in truth while propelling us forward with the courage to step into the specific and unique callings God created us for and to fuel confidence, through humility, that God will carry out and establish His perfect will and plan for each of us.

Decisions, big or small, often come with the capability to impact our lives in significant ways. Some decisions we make subconsciously while others require much careful and intentional forethought. Those forethoughts can so easily be filled with doubt and fear as we tend to consider all the negative outcomes through the lens of a confined perspective through the limitations that come with being human. But what if we chose to consider the One who has no limitations and has the ability to fill us with all hope for what is completely possible through Him?  

Reconsidering through the perspective of hope and from a posture of stillness often brings much encouragement and peace. Letting God’s Word and presence reset your mindset and refresh your hope through the reminder of His promises that never fail and His presence that is always with you can breakthrough doubts, fears, and anxiety and replace them with peace and perseverance to keep moving forward into unknowns with greater confidence that is rooted in firm, unchanging truth. 

Considering any decision, action, opportunity, or potential outcome is a result of the grace and freedom God offers through His mighty and tender love for us. Our considerings are often filled with a pessimistic perspective that has been painted with the rash brushstrokes of a world blotted with evil, hatred, and fear. How could hope, healing, joy, peace, or anything good, constant, and steady ever be a part of our story? 

When we consider following Jesus we get to approach every aspect of life through a paradigm shift of grandeur proportions where hope, peace, and joy prevail. God unveiled the pretentious proceedings of fear, defeat, and doubt by proving His presence, provision, and power through the life, death, and glorious resurrection of Jesus. God’s reputation proceeds us with His prevailing presence and promise in every circumstance we are faced with. Our process of considering any decision, action, or outcome gets to be empowered by the proven promise and power of God with us. 

When we slow down and consider the smallest of provisions, these propel us to the pervasive providence of Gods presence and power with and in us. Considering decisions to make or actions to take can be toilsome when we let fear, doubt, and hesitancy encroach the process. We were given grace to approach every consideration with the hope of Jesus.  The next time you have to consider a big decision or you are considering the outcome of your situation or story, let gratitude guide you to the presence of Jesus and consider what He has to say about you and your situation.  Let Him alleviate the tiresome toil by entrusting the outcome to His hand.

“Consider how the wild flowers grow.

They do not labor or spin.

Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field,

which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire,

how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!

And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink;

do not worry about it.

For the pagan world runs after all such things,

and your Father knows that you need them.

But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”

Luke 12:27-31 


hope again


Overwhelmed for Overflow