art & words to

remember truth, inspire growth, & encourage the heart


a star that suddenly increases its light output tremendously

and then fades away to its former obscurity

in a few months or years.


hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness,

completeness, tranquility, well-being.

used as a greeting. a reminder that peace and rest are found in God alone.

Hey there! I’m Erin. Thanks for stopping by!

I really love Jesus, God’s Word, being active outside, the color green, writing, and creating stuff.

I founded Nova Shalom out of these passions. I hope and pray that the words I write and the art I create encourage you with the truth found in God’s Word and inspire you to keep growing in your relationship with Him.

I pray that you will continue to encounter God in deeper ways and that the AWE & WONDER of who He is would sink deeper into your soul.

Look up. Lean in. Be present. Keep praying. Keep trusting. Keep wandering in wonder.

God sees you. God loves you. God is with you always.