green means grow

groans laced with grace

growing pains 

new life making its way

through humbled hearts embraced.

a pure pursuit

eager to sink deeper

as roots reach further.

resting, remaining

reviving, restoring

receiving in peaceful pastures

ripening in restful wrestles

returning in harvests ready

released, redeemed,

renewed, remade

roots awakened, strengthened

downpours of grace

sunlight ridden branches

fruit beared fully

through faith activated Spirit promises 

sewn in surrender

grown with patience 

harvested by love

The first sights of green in Spring always revive my hope. The winter can be long, dark, and bitterly cold. When the freezing temps finally cease, the clouds dissipate and the sun begins to shine regularly, I become overjoyed for spring’s arrival. 

It seems that there are no signs of growth in the winter. Green sprouts and buds reveal visual evidence of new life in spring, but winter often tends to be colorless and hopeless. What if our sight hinders us from fully embracing new growth? We too often give up that our circumstances or struggles will change because we can’t tangibly see results immediately. We become over eager and impatient doubting that growth is possible because we lack the sight to see it in the hidden depths of our darkest struggles and pains.

What if we adopted God’s perspective on growth, knowing that the hardest, darkest, most painful seasons have the most potential for the greatest growth. In the dark, hidden places are where roots dig deeper, find nourishment, and are strengthened to be able to bear the new fruits in the harvest of spring. Growth begins in the dark. The unknown places where it seems desolate and dry are often where faith begins to flourish and thrive, cultivating the soil for newness and growth. As we surrender and set our sights on the One who produces the growth, we begin to see that the green is a result of the growth that has already taken place. 

There is room for growth in every season. We are in a constant state of becoming. Becoming more like Jesus and becoming more of the unique person God created each of us to be. God is our gardener, cultivating our soil as we surrender to Him and harvesting the fruit of His Spirit through patience and grace.

Growth requires abiding in surrender, resting in faith, and trusting in the process God has structured and orchestrates. Even when you can’t see the green, trust that God is still beckoning you to deeper growth in Him. Then rejoice when He reveals the harvest!

“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, 

while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes 

so that it will be even more fruitful. 

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. 

No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. 

Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”

John 15:2-6 

I chose various hues of green as the color scheme for nova shalom because I want it to stand as a reminder that growth and hope are always available if we choose to surrender and abide in Jesus. 

Don’t give up if you can’t see the green yet. Rest in God’s presence and allow Him to cultivate your heart, mind, and soul to receive more of Him. He’s in the business of bringing about the richest harvest through the longest, hardest seasons. 


already approved. nothing to prove.


broken for breakthrough