How do You want to fill this space?

A good mentor of mine posed this question to me a while back and it has stuck with me ever since. She said that she is constantly asking the Holy Spirit this question every time she enters a room or meets with a friend or comes into an opportunity to use the gifts and passions God has placed inside her. 

What if we developed the habit of asking the Holy Spirit this question every day we wake up and open our eyes for the first time? How would our posture and expectations shift as we redirect focus to what God might want to release into the atmospheres we will walk into or the relationships we are wanting to grow?

Every moment is an opportunity for encounter. Encountering greater depths of God’s nature and creating the space for His Kingdom to be more fully realized in the situations and relationships we find ourselves in. 

I believe God wants to fill us with these deeper encounters and He wants us to invite others into them as well. He wants to fill us with the knowledge of Him that ultimately leads to a greater communing and intimacy of relationship with Him.

Filling requires a space to be filled. How often do we carry our own expectations and self seeking fulfillments into a new space, opportunity, or relationship? This leaves no room for God to move how He wants to or speak what He wants to if we have already predetermined to fill the space with our own judgments, assumptions, and directives. 

God doesn’t want to fill the space or time with the empty pursuits and temporary gratifications that we often fill them with. He wants to fill them with Himself—his presence, love, and life that sustains and satisfies. If we desire for God to fill the spaces and places we walk into, then we have to develop the discipline of emptying ourselves of the lesser cravings and letting Him fill us with the deeper longings that only He can satisfy. The longing for communion, peace, joy, freedom and abundance of life. 

What do you need to empty out in order for God to fill and fulfill His good purposes in you and through you?

What if we predetermined to be open to the things God wants to do and the ways He wants to move in every space and in every heart.

What if we pre-decided to make room and hold space for Him to fill it how He wants to, according to His will.

Keep this question at the forefront of your mind as you step into the spaces, opportunities, and relationships that God leads you into. Leave room to be attentive to what the Holy Spirit might want to speak or do and then stand in awe at the ways He will show up and fill you and the room.

“And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ,

 who fills all things everywhere with himself.”

Ephesians 1:23 NLT


Wrestling to Rest