nova shalom

Be light. Bring peace. 

A calling rooted in truth, extended in grace, received in stillness, and lived out in love. 

This world desperately needs lights to be turned on and peace to flow freely.  Light that can never burn out and is in no need of ever being replaced. A peace that surpasses sight and steadies minds and hearts. 

A nova is a star that suddenly increases its light output tremendously and then fades away to its former obscurity in a few months or years. 

Did you know that light dwells in you? 2 Corinthians 4:6 says: “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” If you know Jesus and believe in Him then you know the source of light. Not only are we given the incredible gift of knowing Jesus, but we get the humble honor of being His light on earth. Our lives are short and move by quickly, but we have an opportunity to let Christ shine through us everyday. We are like walking stars shining in the darkness, never striving to receive praise, but pointing to the One who deserves all praise. 

We can’t be light on our own, we have to go to the source of light. God’s light increases as we are still in His presence and dive into the truth illuminated in His Word. Truth illuminates what lies and doubts strive to destroy—your identity and your peace. As you let God in, you let light in, and His Spirit begins to transform you from the inside out. He pushes out all the darkness and you begin to radiate His marvelous light as you continue to dwell in Him. 

As you receive and become light, peace follows. You can’t know peace until you step into the light. The light disperses everything that tries to steal your peace—anxiety, fear, worry, doubts, lies—they all must flee when the light is present. 

Peace comes in surrender. Peace inhabits the depths of your mind and heart in the midst of the greatest unknowns and uncertainties because Jesus made Himself known and He is always certain. If Jesus dwells in you, peace dwells in you and you have access to infinite, steadfast peace. 

Peace is found in the awareness, acceptance, and engagement of God’s character and presence. Peace is the tender, yet mighty being of God and being found in Him and His presence is where peace abounds beyond comprehension. 

Peace is a unity bond to the Spirit of God. (Ephesians 4:3) His Spirit awakens and instills peace as it is ushered in and proclaimed through stillness. In Mark 4 Jesus is caught in a storm with his disciples. His disciples are afraid and ask Jesus to calm the storm. Jesus speaks to the storm “Peace! Be still!” and the storm is calmed. Jesus has the same authority to speak to your mind and situation and declare peace over it, but will you be still long enough to receive it?

When we discover and step into the light and peace of Christ it becomes a natural desire to want to be light and bring peace to everyone. The best way to shine His light and bring His peace is through resting in His love and extending His love to those around you. As you continue to love it starts to get a little brighter and peace begins to settle in as it floods every heart and mind. 

Let this color be a reminder that you are light and have access to endless peace. 

Now go be light and bring peace. 


Wrestling to Rest


Hold the Vision. Trust the Process.