sealed in love

“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. 

He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, 

and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, 

guaranteeing what is to come.”

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Do you like pudding? Or maybe yogurt or a pint of your favorite ice cream. You know that excitement and anticipation that comes with pulling back that seal and indulging in your favorite treat? All the delicious goodness contained in even the smallest things. 

Seals are crucial when it comes to keeping food fresh. They keep all the goodness contained so that when you pull back that seal you get to enjoy all the delicious flavors without worrying about if it’s old or contaminated by mold. A warning is usually placed on the seal by the manufacturer with a date to “best enjoy by” or to not eat “if the seal is broken”. 

Did you know you have also been sealed? But this seal has no expiration date and can’t be broken. This seal contains something greater than a temporary enjoyment of a good cup of pudding. This seal contains all the promises of God, the sweetness of His constant presence, and the power of His Spirit at work in you. Because of this seal you have constant access to all the goodness, joy, peace, and love of God. This seal was made final through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus. You receive this seal of the Holy Spirit when you believe in Jesus and what He has done for you.

“When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 

who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance 

until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.”

Ephesians 1:13-14

God sealed us with the Holy Spirit that guarantees God’s presence with us as well as an indication and security of ownership. We are children of God, made righteous through Jesus and enabled by the Holy Spirit to have constant access to God’s presence with the power to overcome anything, not in our own might, but through the power and grace of God. This seal guarantees that we are loved deeply and unconditionally, we are never alone, and we have unshaken hope for the future promises of God because of Jesus. Nothing and no one can ever break this seal. 

What extravagant love God gives. Dive into God’s goodness, dwell in His rich, deep, endless love.

Will you receive His love each and every day 

and live as a child of God, sealed in love, with eternal hope and promise? 


rejected not forsaken