
steady, solid, sure

sturdy, strong

resting in resilience 

steady hand that reaches for mine

holding upright

opening the blinds to release the light

steady grace that reckons the mire

to cease the fight 

let go in the fire

steady presence that traces the miles

carrying my heart through the trials

to testify the triumph

constant, consistent, uncompromised 

continuous delight

found amidst Your might

steadied through Your sight

Have you ever felt so unsteady, tossed back and forth by the unexpected, unknown, or never ending demands of a job or season of life?  One more blow might just knock you down for good. You start frantically searching for something to cling to, something to sink your feet into that will hold you up and hold you steady. 

Did you know we already have a firm foundation that we can rest our entire being in? We get to sink ever deeper into the finished work of Jesus and the promise of God’s steadfast love, peace, and presence. There is nothing more fixed or firm that you could root and rest your soul in. 

The steadfastness of the Lord leaves me in awe while reassuring me that there is nothing that could ever steer me out of His presence or stifle His love for me. He is steadfast in His pursuit of those who believe in Him. He is steadfast in releasing grace and power to overcome anything that tries to knock us down. He is unchanging in all His ways. He isn’t shifted or swayed by the enemy, but He is consistent in stirring His strength in us to steady our hearts and minds when they begin to spiral and shift by the situations that we face. 

I want to stay steady after Him as He is steady after me. I believe a steady pursuit of God begins through the steadying process that we surrender to on a daily basis. Steadfastness is a characteristic of God, therefore the only way we are steadied or able to reciprocate steadiness is through Him. In Scripture God is described as a rock and an anchor. Objects that are strong, solid, and made to hold steady. The enemy will try everything he can to steal your strength, knock you over, and steer you off course. Distractions, distress, discouragement, and devastation will try to pry you from the steady peace found in God, but God continues to offer you His steady hand. Just keep reaching out to take it and let Him bring you back into His steady and sure presence. 

Whatever you are facing right now that seems to be causing any uneasiness or unsteadiness in your heart or mind, remember that God is right there with you offering steady peace and steady strength to overcome. Be steadied in His steadiness.

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,

because they trust in you.

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.”

Isaiah 26:3-4 

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant

and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,”

Deuteronomy 7:9 

“May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

2 Thessalonians 3:5 

Some songs that remind me of the Lord’s steadfastness:

“Steady” by For King and Country

“Steady Heart” by Steffany Gretzinger

“Steady Me” by Hollyn

“Stayed on Him” by Terrian


Heart Attacked, Heartbeat Still Intact


hope again