Heart Attacked, Heartbeat Still Intact

Heavy, hurt, hardened

Hollowed in the heeding

Helpless in the happening

Hindrances holding hopelessness 

Deceived in the dark

Deterred by disappointment 

Detriments determining dysfunction

Devastations deepening 

Sinking in sudden sorrow

Slave to speculation

How to guard?

How to risk?

How to hope?

How to heal?

Heart still beating

Held in grace

Keeping in pace

Not to be won

Not to be given away

Not to be hardened

Not to be hidden


Solaced in silence

Secured in the Savior

Steadied in the softening

Moldable, moveable 

Mysteries maneuvering mistakes

Missteps, misdirects 

Heart healing in heartbeats

Indwelled with hope

Set in new rhythms

Resting, revealing, refreshing, restoring

Beating in truth

Promises and praises

Held, healed, whole

What does your heart beat for? What is at the core of your being? Your reason for existing? That thing that gets you out of bed in the morning and gives you a reason to keep persevering through any circumstance you may find yourself in. Is there anything worth giving your all to?

Maybe you know the answer to these questions, maybe you don’t. Either way, the undeniable reality that your heart continues to beat beckons the question “why”? What is the purpose of this life? 

I believe the answer to this question lies within the One who sustains every heart beat. The Giver of life itself. God’s heart beats for His children. His heart overflows with compassion, grace, and kindness towards His beloved. 

Scripture speaks consistently of our hearts. We are told our hearts are deceptive above all things. (Jeremiah 17:9) We are also told to guard our hearts above all else because what we do flows from them. (Proverbs 4:23) We are called to trust the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6) We are also promised that we will find God when we seek Him with all our heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

Our hearts belong to God, who created them and knows them better than we do. Your heart isn’t a prize to be won nor an object to be given away to anything or anyone. Your heart was made to be a dwelling place for the One who created it and deserves every part of it. When we surrender our hearts to Jesus and yield to the Holy Spirit’s work in them, we begin to rest in the heartbeat of God. We take on new rhythms and our entire reason for being shifts as He transforms our hearts, reconnecting them back to His heart.

Our hearts are part of our flesh, so they are susceptible to pain. Jesus never promised we wouldn’t experience challenges, troubles, and heartache, but He did tell us we could “take heart” because He already overcame. (John 16:33) I believe “taking heart” means returning our hearts to the rhythm of God’s heartbeat by releasing our heart to His care and direction. Through this process we regain the ability to overcome and to rest completely in the One who has all power and authority to heal our hearts.

We don’t have to worry about how to guard our hearts when they belong to and rest in the ultimate shield and protector of them.

Your heart wasn’t meant to be swayed by sorrow or circumstance, but secured and steadied in the Savior, Jesus. This doesn’t mean your heart won’t experience some discouragement, disappointment, and devastation, but in those moments of pain remember that God promises to be near to the broken-hearted and crushed in Spirit. (Psalm 34:18) God yearns to hold and heal your heart. Will you allow Him to?

When you surrender your heart to Jesus and seek Him with all your heart, He will begin to heal any areas of hurt. He will realign your perspective, repurpose your pain, and reset your rhythm to His. A rhythm of mighty love and abundance of life. 


Fear is just a liar running out of breath.

