Stilling to Instill

Be still, and know that I am God.

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalm 46:10

Stillness may be one of the most difficult spiritual disciplines of our time. We can physically sit down and be still, but our minds continue to run a million miles an hour. Our strivings and stress tend to suffocate our souls, putting a strain on our surrender and strength. 

To slow down and be still is countercultural. To cease producing, to cease spinning our wheels, to cease engaging with the constant noise and distractions around us and just “be” requires steadfast determination and discipline. Being still wages war against the things that fight for our attention and allows restoration and health to be revived to our souls. 

Stillness creates space for things to surface and settle. Struggles, pain, wounds, sin. Things that often get pushed down or lost in the chaos have room to be brought to the surface, to be resurrendered, sorted and sifted through the power of salvation that has already been secured. Stillness can act as a salve for the sorrows and struggles that we often carry around. God’s voice begins to become more clear as He speaks directly into those places of pain, confusion, uncertainty, and unsteadiness. 

Stillness teaches us to saturate our whole being in God’s being. As His presence constantly beckons us to come and be with Him, in moments of stillness we discover a greater level of the freedom to release control and let His being be enough for us. It’s from these moments of stillness with God that His promises and character have the opportunity to be instilled deeper into our souls. A state of stillness precedes a deeper knowing of who God is which launches us into a grander capacity to move into all He created us to be. 

Lastly, stillness reminds us of the exaltation of God. It’s saying “I’m not in control, but I place my trust and the outcome of my story into the hands of the One who reigns above it all.” It’s giving Him back the place in our hearts and in this world that He rightfully deserves. Being still is surrendering to the sovereignty of God. It’s laying down your own pride and strivings and settling into God’s grace with gratitude.

What promise of God do you need instilled into your soul right now?

What do you need stilled and settled in your heart and mind right now?

How can you create greater space for stillness?

Slowing to a steadying

Stilling to instill

Steadfast strength

Reviving my soul 

With gentle whispers 

Still God, still with me


Hold the Vision. Trust the Process.

